Licensing and Registration Panel






Wednesday 10 May 2006 at 3.30 pm






Present:  Councillors Gallacher, McCormick (M), McKenzie, Snoddy, Tucker and Forbes (for Nimmo).






Chair:  Councillor Gallacher presided.






Apologies for Absence:  Councillors Moran and Nimmo.






The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Panel.






Application for Taxi Driver’s Licence: Matthew Smith






There was submitted a report by the Solicitor to the Council on an application for a taxi driver’s licence following receipt of an observation by the Chief Constable.



The Panel heard Sergeant Claire Riddoch of Strathclyde Police and Mr Smith.



Decided:  that the application be granted.



Councillor McKenzie left the meeting.






Application for Licence for House in Multiple Occupation:

Pol Stewart, 9 Robertson Street, Greenock



There was submitted a report by the Solicitor to the Council on an application for a house in multiple occupation following receipt of objections.   The hearing of the application was held on 12 April 2006 when it was decided to continue the application to the next meeting of the Panel to allow a visit to inspect the property and its surroundings to be made. 



Councillor Gallacher moved to grant the licence.   As an amendment Councillor Snoddy moved to refuse the licence.   On a vote 1 Member voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion which was declared carried.



Decided:  that the licence be approved in principle for further consideration by the Council as Licensing Authority.






Application for Licence for House in Multiple Occupation:

Pol Stewart, 7 Caddlehill Street, Greenock



There was submitted a report by the Solicitor to the Council on an application for a licence for a house in multiple occupation following receipt of objections.   The hearing of the application was held on 12 April 2006 when it was decided to continue the application to the next meeting of the Panel to allow a visit to inspect the property and its surroundings to be made.



Councillor Gallacher moved to grant the licence.   As an amendment Councillor Snoddy moved to refuse the licence.   On a vote 1 Member voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion which was declared carried.



Decided:  that the licence be approved in principle for further consideration by the Council as Licensing Authority.






Application for Licence for House in Multiple Occupation:

Pol Stewart, 27 Ardgowan Square, Greenock



There was submitted a report by the Solicitor to the Council on an application for a licence for a house in multiple occupation following receipt of objections, in implement of a decision to remit the application to the Council for reconsideration by the Sheriff on appeal.



The Panel heard from Mr Stewart in support of his application and Mrs Audrey Blue one of the objectors.



Councillor Gallacher moved to grant the licence.  As an amendment Councillor Snoddy moved to refuse the licence.   On a vote 1 Member voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion which was declared carried.



Decided:  that the application be approved in principle for further consideration by the Council as Licensing Authority.



