Licensing and Registration Panel


Wednesday 8 March 2006 at 3.30 pm



Present:  Councillors Gallacher, McCormick (M), McKenzie, Moran, Nimmo, Snoddy and Tucker.






Chair:  Councillor Gallacher presided.






In attendance:  Mr G Douglas (for Solicitor to the Council).






The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Panel.






Application for Taxi Licence:  Malcolm Bonar






There was submitted a report dated 14 February 2006 by the Solicitor to the Council advising that Mr Malcolm Bonar had omitted to make timeous application for his licence to be renewed before it expired but it had been dealt with using the procedure for the exercise of powers delegated to the Chief Executive for use between Committees and it had been agreed to authorise the grant of the Taxi Licence to Mr Bonar.









Addition to Conditions of Licence






There was submitted a report dated 8 February 2006 by the Solicitor to the Council recommending that the Panel delegate authority to the Solicitor to the Council to incorporate with immediate effect a condition in appropriate terms requiring notification of change of address by a holder of the following licences:  Public Entertainment Licence, Market Operator’s Licence, Second Hand Dealer’s Licence, Late Hours Catering Licence and Licence to Operate a House in Multiple Occupation. 



Decided:  that the condition be added in accordance with the recommendation.






Licensing of Skin Piercing and Tattooing






There was submitted a report dated 7 March 2006 by the Solicitor to the Council outlining the effect of a new order which had been made under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 making it mandatory for those carrying on the business of skin piercing or tattooing to be licensed from 1 April 2006.






(1)   that the Licensing and Registration Panel note the coming into effect of a mandatory licensing system for the activity of the carrying on of a business which provides skin piercing or tattooing with effect from 1 April 2006; 



(2)   that the Panel note that the Statutory Instrument introducing the licensing system has prescribed minimum conditions to be incorporated in the licensing of this activity and remit for a further report in due course by the Solicitor to the Council on proposed standard conditions incorporating the statutory requirements to be applied in the grant of a licence for skin piercing and tattooing;



(3)   that the Panel agree that notice of the making of an application for a licence for operating the activity of skin piercing and tattooing need not be given by advertisement in a newspaper;



(4)   that authority be delegated to the Solicitor to the Council as the Proper Officer to grant a licence for the activity of skin piercing and tattooing provided there is no objection to the grant and no other unusual circumstances surrounding the application and no representation from the applicant on the proposed terms of the licence requiring a hearing by the Panel;  and



(5)   that authority be delegated to the Solicitor to the Council following consultation with the relevant Officers and the Chair, his Substitute and a member of the Minority Groups to set a fee for an application for such a licence and, in consultation with the relevant Officers, to take all necessary and incidental action in connection with the processing of licences for the activity of skin piercing and tattooing.






The documentation relative to the following item has been treated as exempt information in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the nature of the exempt information being that set out in Paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.






Application for Licence for House in Multiple Occupation:  Evelyn Casimiro






There was submitted a report dated 19 January 2006 by the Solicitor to the Council on an application for a licence to operate a house in multiple occupation by Mrs Evelyn Casimiro following objections made by various residents of the same property.  The Panel heard Ms Herald, agent and Mr Lang, the applicant’s spouse, in support of the application.



Councillor McKenzie declared a non-financial interest and left the meeting.



Councillor Moran moved to grant the licence in principle.  As an amendment Councillor Snoddy moved to refuse the licence. 



On a vote 1 Member voted for the amendment and 5 for the motion which was declared carried.



Decided:  that the licence be approved in principle for further consideration by the Council as licensing authority.



