Licensing and Registration Panel Wednesday 9 June 2004 at 3.00 pm |
Present: Councillors McCormick (M), McKenzie, Moran, Nimmo, Snoddy and Mitchell (for Tucker). |
Chair: Councillor Snoddy presided. |
In attendance: Mr G Douglas (for Director of Legal & Support Services). |
Apologies: Councillor Tucker. |
The following
paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under
the powers delegated to the Panel. |
It was agreed in
terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as
amended that the public and press be excluded from the meeting during
consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that the
business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in
Paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act. |
432 |
Temporary Public
Entertainment Licences: Provision Against Live Prizes |
432 |
There was submitted a report dated 10 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services advising that a request had been received from Office Aquariums Ltd that the Council reconsider one of its standard conditions within Temporary Public Entertainment Licences involving the operation of a fun fair or similar activity in relation to the condition which states “that no live prizes of any description shall be given”. The Panel heard Mr Smith of Office Aquariums in support of his request. |
Decided: that the request be refused and that the condition be retained in appropriate Temporary Public Entertainment Licences.
Councillors Moran and McKenzie declared an interest in the following item and left the meeting. |
433 |
Application for
Taxi Licence: Paul Travers |
433 |
There was submitted a report dated 27 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on an application for a taxi licence by Mr Paul Travers to allow him to make available to the public a vehicle specially adapted for use by the disabled. The Panel heard Mr Travers in support of his application. |
Decided: that the application be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. |
Councillors Moran and McKenzie returned to the meeting at this point. |
434 |
Application for
Taxi Licence: Prinssias T McGhee |
434 |
There was submitted a report dated 27 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on an application for a taxi licence by Mr Prinssias T McGhee to allow him to make available to the public a vehicle specially adapted for use by the disabled. The Panel heard Mr McGhee in support of his application. |
Decided: that the application be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. |
435 |
Application for
Taxi Driver’s Licence: Robert McCabe |
435 |
There was submitted a report dated 26 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on an application for a taxi driver’s licence by Mr Robert McCabe. It was noted that this application had been continued from previous meetings to allow the applicant’s representative to be present at the meeting. It was noted that neither the applicant nor his agent was present at the meeting. |
Decided: that the application be refused. |
436 |
Request for
Suspension of Taxi Driver’s Licence: Robert O Kane |
436 |
There was submitted a report dated 14 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services requesting the Panel to consider the suspension of the taxi driver’s licence held by Robert O Kane following an adverse report from the Council’s Medical Adviser. A further letter had been received from the Council’s Medical Adviser in response to the applicant’s Consultant’s report and was circulated to the Panel. The Panel heard Mr Kane in support of his application. |
Decided: that the licence be not suspended.
437 |
Application for
Taxi Driver’s Licence: Robert O Kane |
437 |
There was submitted a report dated 14 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on application for Taxi Driver’s Licence by Mr Robert O Kane following comments made by the Council’s Medical Adviser. The Panel heard Mr Kane in support of his application. |
Decided: that the application be granted subject to conditions to ensure that the applicant’s medical condition remained properly controlled and to a medical review every three years.