The Inverclyde Council






Monday 31 January 2005 at 4.00 pm






Present:   Provost Rebecchi, Councillors Blair, Forbes, Fyfe, Gallacher, Hill, Hunter, McCabe, McCormick (M), McCormick (P), Nimmo, Roach, Snoddy, Stewart and White.






Chair:  Provost Rebecchi presided. 






In attendance:  Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive, Head of Finance Services, Head of Housing Services, Mr G Douglas (for Head of Legal Services) and Mr A Gerrard (for Head of Property Services).






Apologies:  Councillors Mitchell, Moran and Tucker.






Minute of Environment & Regeneration Committee (Special) - 31 January 2005






Approval of the minute as a correct record was moved by Councillor Fyfe seconded by Councillor Gallacher.  Councillor Fyfe seconded by Councillor Gallacher moved with reference to the paragraph entitled “HRA Revenue Account Budget - 2005/06” that the decision of the Committee as minuted be approved.  As an amendment, Councillor McCabe seconded by Councillor Roach moved:-



(1)      that the report by the Director of Corporate Services be noted;



(2)      that the Housing Reserve Fund balance be applied to the Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2005/06 and that savings be identified to achieve no increase in rents for 2005/06;



(3)      that the charges in respect of lockup garages, covered parking, ground sites, allotments, mortgage reference fees, stair lighting maintenance and TV aerial maintenance be increased in line with the Retail Price Index as at December 2004 (approximately 3.5%);



(4)      that it be remitted to the Depute Chief Executive to submit a report to the Committee with proposals for savings which would have no adverse impact on the level of service provision;  and



(5)      that subject to the above the Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2005/06 be agreed.



On a vote, 4 Members voted for the amendment and 10 for the minute which was declared carried.



(Councillor Blair entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).



Decided:  that the minute be approved.



