THURSDAY 20 MAY 1999 - 4.00 pm


Present:-  Councillors Calvert, Robertson (A), Morrison (D), Moody, Morrison (M), McCabe, O'Rourke, Jackson, Roach, McGhee, Nimmo, Robertson (Y), Mulholland, McCormick, Rebecchi, Mitchell, White, Hunter and Campbell.


In attendance:-  The Chief Executive, the Depute Chief Executive, the Executive Director Community and Protective Services, the Executive Director Education Services, Mr H McNeilly (for the Executive Director Legal, Information and Support Services),  the Executive Director Resource Services, the Director of Central Services, the Director of Information Technology Services, the Director of Leisure and Recreation, the Director of Personnel Services, the Director of Transportation and Roads, the Head of Trading Standards, the Chief Environmental Services Officer, the Chief Building Control Officer, the Head of Cleaning Services, the Head of Parks, Transport and Cleansing Services and Mr A Gerrard (for the Head of Property Services).


Mr R Cleary, Chief Executive, took the Chair as Returning Officer.


An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Councillor Blair.


The Rev R G Lawson, MA BD, opened the proceedings with prayer.


   488      ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS                                                                                                          488


There was submitted a list of Councillors elected following the local government elections on 6 May 1999.



   489      DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE                                                                               489


The Chief Executive advised that all those Members present at the meeting had executed the declaration of acceptance of office.



   490      ELECTION OF PROVOST                                                                                                                    490


The Chief Executive called for nominations for the vacant office of Provost of Inverclyde and Councillor Jackson seconded by Councillor Robertson (Y) moved that Councillor Roach be appointed as Provost until the next ordinary election of the Council or until ceasing to be a Councillor, whichever is the earlier.  There being no further nominations, Councillor Roach accepted the office of Provost, was invested with the chain of office and thereupon assumed the Chair.

The Provost expressed his thanks to the Council for electing him to this position and advised that he looked forward to


meeting the opportunities and challenges which would arise during his term as Provost.  He stated that he wished to place particular emphasis on developing links with local industry to maximise the level of employment within Inverclyde.  He also welcomed Councillor McCormick as a new Member of the Council and the return of Councillors Moody, McCabe, Blair and White.


   491      APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTE CONVENER OF COUNCIL                                                               491


Councillor Jackson seconded by Councillor Robertson (Y) moved that Councillor Morrison (M) be appointed Depute Convener of the Council.

DECIDED:  That Councillor Morrison (M) be appointed Depute Convener of the Council.





Councillor Jackson seconded by Councillor Robertson (Y) moved the following Committees, Conveners and Vice-Conveners thereof, appointments to the Licensing and Registration Panel and Licensing Board and appointment of Justices of the Peace (ex officio):-



Policy & Strategy Committee



1. Councillor Calvert

7. Councillor Robertson (Y)


2. Councillor Robertson (A)

8. Councillor Mulholland


3. Councillor Morrison (M)

9. Councillor Rebecchi


4. Councillor O’Rourke

10. Councillor Mitchell  


5. Councillor Jackson

11. Councillor Blair


6. Councillor McGhee

12. Provost Roach (ex officio)



Convener:  Councillor  Jackson

Vice-Convener:  Councillor Robertson (Y)



Corporate Business Committee



1. Councillor Moody

6. Councillor Nimmo


2. Councillor Morrison (M) 

7. Councillor Mulholland


3. Councillor McCabe

8. Councillor Blair


4. Councillor O’Rourke

9. Councillor White


5. Councillor Jackson

10. Provost Roach (ex officio)



11. Councillor Robertson (Y) (ex officio)



Convener:  Councillor Mulholland

Vice-Convener:  Councillor McCabe


Economic Development SERVICES Committee                                                                492



1. Councillor Morrison (M)

6. Councillor Rebecchi


2. Councillor McGhee

7. Councillor Blair 


3. Councillor Robertson (Y)

8. Councillor Hunter


4. Councillor Mulholland

9. Councillor Campbell


5. Councillor McCormick

10. Provost Roach (ex officio)



11. Councillor Jackson  (ex officio)



Convener:  Councillor McGhee

Vice-Convener:  Councillor McCormick


Education Services Committee



1. Councillor Calvert

7. Councillor Mulholland


2. Councillor Robertson (A)

8. Councillor Mitchell


3. Councillor Morrison (D)

9. Councillor Campbell


4. Councillor Moody

10. Provost Roach (ex officio)


5. Councillor McCabe

11. Councillor Jackson (ex officio)


6. Councillor McGhee

12. Councillor Robertson (Y) (ex officio)



3 Church Representatives

1 Parent Representative

1 Teacher Representative



Convener:  Councillor Robertson (A)

Vice-Convener:  Councillor McCabe


As an amendment, Councillor Calvert seconded by Councillor McCabe moved (a) Economic Development Services Committee - Councillor Calvert to become a Member in place of

Councillor Hunter; and (b) Education Services Committee - Councillor Hunter to become a

Member in place of Councillor Calvert.  On a vote, 8 Members voted for the amendment and

10 for the motion which was declared carried.



Social Work & Housing Committee



1. Councillor Morrison (D)

6. Provost Roach


2. Councillor Moody

7. Councillor Nimmo


3. Councillor McCabe

8. Councillor Rebecchi


4. Councillor O’Rourke

9. Councillor Mitchell


5. Councillor Jackson

10. Councillor Robertson (Y) (ex officio)



Convener:  Councillor O’Rourke

Vice-Convener:  Councillor Morrison (D)


COMMUNITY &  PROTECTIVE Services Committee                                                            492



1. Councillor Calvert

6. Councillor McCormick


2. Councillor Robertson (A)

7. Councillor Blair


3. Councillor Morrison (M)

8. Councillor White


4. Provost Roach

9. Councillor Hunter


5. Councillor Robertson (Y)

10. Councillor Jackson (ex officio)



Convener:  Councillor Morrison (M)

Vice-Convener:  Councillor McCormick




Licensing & Registration Panel



1. Councillor Calvert 

5. Councillor McCormick


2. Councillor Morrison (D)

6. Councillor Rebecchi


3. Councillor Morrison (M)

7. Councillor Nimmo


4. Councillor Mulholland






Chair:  Councillor Morrison (D)

Substitute:  Councillor McCormick








All Members of the Corporate Business Committee


Chair: Councillor Mulholland (subject to constitution)






All Members of the Corporate Business Committee


Chair:  Councillor Mulholland (subject to constitution)






1. Councillor Calvert


6. Councillor Jackson


2. Councillor Robertson (A)

7. Councillor McGhee


3. Councillor Morrison (D)

8. Councillor Mulholland


4. Councillor Moody

9. Councillor Mitchell


5. Councillor McCabe

10. Councillor Campbell



Chair:  Councillor Robertson (A) (subject to constitution)







1. Councillor Calvert

6. Councillor McGhee


2. Councillor Robertson (A)

7. Councillor Nimmo


3. Councillor Morrison (D)

8. Councillor McCormick


4. Councillor Moody

9. Councillor Hunter


5. Councillor Morrison (M) 









1. Councillor Morrison (M)

4. Councillor McCormick


2. Councillor Nimmo

5. Councillor Rebecchi


3. Councillor Robertson (Y)







(a)  That the Committees, Conveners and Vice-Conveners be as detailed above;

(b)  That the Licensing and Registration Panel, Chair and Substitute Chair be as detailed above;

(c)  That the Licensing Board be as detailed above for a period of three years or until the next ordinary election of the Council;  and

(d)  That ex officio Justices of the Peace be appointed as detailed above for a period of three years or until the next ordinary election of the Council.


   493      APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES                                                    493


Councillor Jackson seconded by Councillor Robertson (Y) moved that the following Members be appointed or, where appropriate, nominated to serve as The Inverclyde Council representatives on the following outside bodies, viz:-


Argyll and Clyde Health Board Area - Joint Member Group


           1.     Councillor Morrison (D)

           2.     Councillor O'Rourke


As an amendment, Councillor Mitchell seconded by Councillor Rebecchi moved that Councillor Hunter represent the Council in place of Councillor O'Rourke.  On a vote, 7 Members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion which was declared carried.


Argyll and Clyde Health Board - Joint Planning Forum


           Councillor O'Rourke


Authorities' Buying Consortium (Strathclyde) - Joint Committee


           Convener of Corporate Business Committee, whom failing Vice-Convener, whom failing a member of that Committee nominated by the Convener.

   493      The Birkmyre Trust                                                                                                                               493


           The Council are collectively the Trustees for this Trust in terms of the approved cy-pres scheme.


Children's Panel Advisory Committee


           Mr Samuel L McEwan JP, 19 Garvie Avenue, Gourock

           Mr William Denny, 3 Lynedoch Street, Greenock


Community Associations


           BOGLESTONE                Councillors Robertson (A), Morrison (D) and Moody

           STRONE FARM              Councillors McCabe, O'Rourke and Jackson

           GIBSHILL                        Councillors McCabe and O'Rourke

           LARKFIELD                    Councillors Mulholland, McCormick and Rebecchi


Convention of Scottish Local Authorities


           (a)    CONVENTION              Councillors Jackson, Robertson (Y) and Mitchell


           (b)   CONVENTION FORUMS


                   Strategy                                                    )

                   Education and Cultural Services                )       Conveners of the appropriate

                   Social Affairs                                            )       Committees or their nominees

                   Development Services                              )

                   Protective Services                                   )


Clyde Area Shipping Services Advisory Committee


           Provost Roach


Clyde Muirshiel Park Joint Committee


           1.     Councillor Jackson

           2.     Councillor Robertson (Y)

                   Substitutes:  Councillors Morrison (M) and McGhee


As an amendment, Councillor Mitchell seconded by Councillor Rebecchi moved that Councillor Hunter represent the Council in place of Councillor Robertson (Y).  On a vote, 7 Members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion which was declared carried.


David Sharp's Trust - Trustees


           Provost Roach

   493      Glasgow Airport Consultative Committee                                                                                            493


           Councillor McGhee

           Substitute Member:  Councillor McCormick


Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee


           1.     Councillor McGhee

           2.     Councillor McCormick


Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board


           Councillor McGhee

           Substitute Member:  Councillor McCormick


Greenock Tall Ships 1999 Ltd - Trustees


           1.     Councillor McGhee                                  3.     Mr J Ross Finnie MSP

           2.     Councillor Mulholland


Inverclyde Advice & Employment Rights Group


           Councillor Jackson


Inverclyde Branch of the Scottish Veterans' Garden City Assoc (Inc)


           1.     Provost Roach                                          4.     Councillor Mulholland

           2.     Councillor McGhee                                  5.     Councillor Rebecchi

           3.     Councillor Nimmo


Inverclyde Community Development Trust


           1.     Councillor Jackson                                   3.     Councillor Blair

           2.     Councillor McGhee


Inverclyde Council on Disability


           Councillor Hunter


Inverclyde Crime Prevention Panel


           1.     Councillor Morrison (D)                           3.     Provost Roach

           2.     Councillor McCabe

   493      As an amendment, Councillor Mitchell seconded by Councillor Rebecchi moved that                                 493

Councillor Nimmo represent the Council in place of Councillor McCabe.  On a vote, 7 Members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion which was declared carried.


Inverclyde Drugs Initiative Trust


           1.     Councillor Jackson

           2.     Provost Roach


Inverclyde Enterprise Trust


           1.     Councillor Morrison (M)

           2.     Councillor McGhee


Inverclyde Megawatt Festival Ltd:  Board of Directors


           1.     Provost Roach                                          3.     Councillor Campbell

           2.     Councillor McGhee


Inverclyde Regeneration Partnership - Executive Board


           1.     Councillor O'Rourke                                 4.     Councillor Robertson (Y)

           2.     Councillor Jackson                                   5.     Councillor Blair

           3.     Councillor McGhee


Inverclyde Voluntary Association for Mental Health


           Councillor O'Rourke


Invercycle - Board of Directors


           Councillor McGhee


James Campbell Buchanan Trust - Trustees


           1.     Councillor Calvert                                     4.     Councillor O'Rourke

           2.     Councillor Morrison (D)                           5.     Councillor Campbell

           3.     Councillor McCabe


James Watt College Council


           Councillor Robertson (A)

   493      Lower Clyde River Valley Project - Joint Committee                                                                         493


           1.     Councillor McGhee                                  2.     Councillor McCormick

                   Substitute Member:  Councillor Morrison (M)


Peter Stanton Memorial Trust - Trustees


           1.     Provost Roach                                          3.     Executive Director Resource

           2.     Councillor Mulholland                                       Services


Prison Visiting Committees


           Barlinnie Prison                        Councillor Moody


           Greenock Prison                      Councillor O'Rourke, Provost Roach, Councillor McGhee

                                                           Mr James Bradley, 5 Finneston Street, Greenock

                                                           Mr John Walsh JP, 16 McCallum Crescent, Gourock


           Legalised Police Cells,              Councillor McGhee



Renfrewshire Careers Service Partnership Ltd - Board


           Councillor Robertson (A)


Renfrewshire Educational Trust - Board


           1.     Councillor Robertson (A)                          3.     Councillor Campbell

           2.     Councillor McCabe


Renfrewshire Education Business Partnership Ltd - Board


           Councillor Robertson (A)


Renfrewshire Enterprise


           Councillor Mulholland


Renfrewshire Enterprise - Strategy Group


           1.     Councillor Jackson                                   3.     Councillor Robertson (Y)

           2.     Councillor McGhee                                  4.     Councillor Blair

   493      Renfrewshire Valuation and Joint Board                                                                                             493


           1.     Councillor Calvert                                     3.     Councillor Mulholland

           2.     Councillor McCabe                                  4.     Councillor McCormick


Scottish Accident Prevention Council


           (a)    COUNCIL                 Provost Roach


           (b)   COUNCIL COMMITTEES


                   Home Safety Committee                               Councillor O'Rourke

                   Road Safety Committee                                Provost Roach

                   Water & Leisure Safety Committee               Councillor Morrison (M)


Scottish Association for the Deaf


           Councillor McGhee


Scottish Building Control Organisation


           Councillor McGhee


Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees


           Councillor McCormick


Scottish JNC for Teaching Staff in School Education


           Councillor Robertson (A)


Scottish Local Government Information Unit - Joint Committee


           Councillor McCabe

           Substitute Member:  Councillor Rebecchi


Scottish Maritime Museum Trust - Trustees


           1.     Provost Roach

           2.     Councillor McGhee


Scottish Museums Council


           Councillor Robertson (A)

   493      Scottish National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind                                                                  493


           Director of Social Work


Sir Gabriel Wood's Mariners' Home - Management Committee


           Councillor Blair


Strathclyde Building Preservation Trust


           Councillor McGhee


Strathclyde Fire Board


           Councillor Jackson and Councillor Robertson (Y)

           Substitute Members:  Councillor Morrison (M) and Councillor O'Rourke


Strathclyde Joint Police Board




           1.     Councillor Jackson                                   2.     Councillor Robertson (Y)




           Substitute Members:            Councillor O'Rourke (for Councillor Jackson)

           (where required by              Councillor Morrison (M) (for Councillor Robertson (Y))

           appointments to



As an amendment, Councillor Mitchell seconded by Councillor Rebecchi moved that Councillor Nimmo represent the Council in place of Councillor Robertson (Y).  On a vote, 7 Members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion which was declared carried.


Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority


           1.     Councillor McGhee                                  2.     Councillor McCormick

                   Substitute:  Councillor Morrison (M)                 Substitute:  Councillor Mulholland


Strathclyde Youth Clubs' Association


           Councillor McCabe


West Coast Rail 250 Campaign Steering Committee


           Councillor Jackson

              West of Scotland European Consortium - Joint Committee                                                                     


           Councillor Jackson

           Substitute Member:  Councillor McGhee


West of Scotland Transport Partnership


           Convener of Economic Development Services Committee


The Zoological Society of Glasgow and West of Scotland


           Councillor McGhee



(a)  That appointments or, where appropriate, nominations to outside bodies be as detailed above;  and

(b)  That it be agreed to nominate Councillor Nimmo as a third representative to the Inverclyde Drugs Initiative Trust, provided the constitution of the Trust permitted this.


   494      ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS                                                                                               494


SUBMITTED:  Amended report dated 12 May 1999 by the Executive Director Legal, Information & Support Services recommending that the schedule of Committee meetings for 1999/2000 follow the established pattern of a six-weekly cycle as set out in Appendix 1 of the report and that to allow the Committees to deal with business prior to and immediately following the month of July and to accommodate the break at Christmas and New Year there be two five-week cycles as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


(a)  That the cycle of Committee meetings for the year 1999/2000 follow the established pattern of a six-weekly cycle as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;  and

(b)  That to allow the Committees to deal with business prior to and immediately following the month of July and to accommodate the break at Christmas and New Year there be two five-week cycles as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.





The Inverclyde Council - 20/5/99



The Inverclyde Council - 20/5/99
