THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 1997 - 3.00 pm


Present:-  Provost Allan, Councillors Robertson (A), Morrison (D),  O'Rourke, Nimmo, Mulholland, Rebecchi and Mitchell, Councillor Morrison, Convener, in the Chair.


In attendance:-  The Chief Executive, the Director of Central Services, Mr A Puckrin (for the Director of Finance) and the Director of Housing and Customer Services.


An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Councillor Clocherty.


The following paragraph is submitted for confirmation or otherwise.






SUBMITTED:  Report dated 17 January 1997 by the Directors of Housing and Customer Services and Finance on the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget for 1997/98.  The report advised that the estimated deficit on the Housing Revenue Account for 1997/98, taking into account all appropriate adjustments but excluding any increases in respect of additional resources or service developments, any savings or extra income, amounted to £2,329,340 which equated to an average rent increase of approximately £3.75 per house per week on a 48 week basis.  It was noted that the balance on the Housing Repairs and Renewals Fund as at 1 April 1997 was estimated at £1,100,000 and that no contribution from the Fund had been included in the proposed Budget for 1997/98.


(a)  That an average rent increase of £3.75 per house per week on a 48 week basis be agreed and that the rent increase be implemented subject to a maximum increase of £5 per week and a minimum increase of no change;

(b)  That the following be included within the Housing Revenue Budget 1997/98 subject to the approval of the Council of those parts of the Revenue Budget 1997/98 relating to items (i) and (ii) for which a contingency fund of £75,000 be established:-

(i)   The transfer of other warden costs from the Social Work Budget - estimated at £45,000;

(ii)  Other costs associated with environmental cleansing operatives (back court cleaning) - estimated at £30,000;

(iii) The introduction of heat leasing schemes - estimated at £67,760 per annum; and

(iv)  A capital funded from current revenue bid in respect of window replacement works - estimated at £500,000;

(c)   That it be agreed to adopt the following savings options for 1997/98:-

Option                                                                                                                       Estimated


(i)      Introduction of a charge for a mortgage reference for Council house sales -        £10,000

(ii)     An increase in the collection commission charges to Scottish Power

         from £0.42 to £0.49 per transaction -                                                                  £5,800

(iii)    An increase in the factoring fee for owner occupiers by 10% -                              £4,200

(iv)   An increase in the lock-up, garage, covered parking and

        ground charges by 10% -                                                                                     £9,550

(v)    An increase in service charges for estate caretaker and furnished

        accommodation concierges by 10% -                                                                 £29,000

(vi)   An increase in sundry charges by 10% -                                                               £4,800

(vii)   An increase in the Inverclyde Centre rent by 20% -                                              £7,800

(viii)  Non-filling of vacancies -                                                                                   £44,600

(ix)   Reduction in jobbing repairs budget -                                                                 £75,000

(x)    Introduction of a service charge for sheltered housing wardens

        of £3 per week -                                                                                               £32,400

(d)  That it be agreed to transfer approximately £400,000 or such sum as is necessary to ensure that no tenant within Inverclyde receives an increase in rent and charges of more than £5 per week in April 1997, from the Housing Repairs and Renewals Fund to the proposed Housing  Revenue Account Budget for 1997/98; and

(e)  That it be remitted to the Director of Housing and Customer Services to submit a report to a future meeting of the Committee on proposals for rationalisation of area office  accommodation.




Housing Committee - 6/2/97

