Health Improvement
Committee Tuesday, 20 January 2004 at 3.00 pm |
Present: Councillors Blair, Forbes, Gallacher, Hill, McCabe, Mitchell, Moran, Nimmo, Robertson, Snoddy and Stewart. |
Chair: Councillor Nimmo presided. |
In attendance: Depute Chief Executive, Ms L Brabender (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Director of Social Work Services, Head of Community Care & Strategic Planning, Head of Finance and Administration, Head of Financial Services, Head of Housing & Building Services, Mr A Gerrard (for Head of Property Services) and Head of Social Work Services. |
the exception of the decision marked “C” which is open for confirmation or
otherwise, the following paragraphs are submitted for information only having
been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee. |
20 |
Factoring |
20 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the present factoring arrangements and (2) putting forward proposals to improve the service. (Councillor Mitchell entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business). |
Decided: (1) that the report be endorsed; (2) that the procedures for larger repairs set out in Appendix I and the proposals for a survey of owners be approved; and (3) that it be noted that a further report will be submitted to the Committee on the results of the survey including the views expressed on the payment of an administrative fee. |
21 |
Social Work, Other Housing and Building Services Revenue Budget 2003/04 - Period 9 |
21 |
There was submitted a report dated 12 January 2004 by the Director of Finance (1) on the position of the 2003/04 Revenue Budget as at Period 9 (3 December 2003) and (2) recommending approval of virement requests within the Social Work Budget. |
Decided: (1) that the Committee note with concern the current projected overspend of £288,000 and instruct the relevant Officers to take all available action to reduce the overspend by the end of the financial year; and (2) that the virement requests detailed in Appendix 2 to the report be approved. |
22 |
Non-HRA Capital Programme 2003/04 to 2004/05 |
22 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on the position of the Social Work and Other Housing Capital Programme 2003/04 to 2004/05. |
Noted |
23 |
Maintenance Rates |
23 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services requesting the Committee to approve maintenance rates which reflect the weekly cost per person for permanent residents in registered residential establishments located within and outwith Inverclyde. |
Decided: (1) that the Committee note the establishments where persons from Inverclyde reside as appropriate; (2) that the recommended rates be approved in order that the Director of Social Work Services may make appropriate payments in the event of residential placements being made; (3) that Officers and Members make representations through COSLA concerning the high level of maintenance rates currently being charged for the provision of services with a view to this being reflected in the financial settlement; and (4) that it be remitted to the Director of Social Work Services to arrange a visit to secure accommodation to allow Members to view the services provided. |
24 |
Maintenance Rates for Quarriers |
24 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services seeking approval of maintenance rates which reflect the weekly cost per person for permanent and respite placements in registered residential establishments managed by Quarriers. |
Decided: (1) that approval be given to the recommended rates in order that the Director of Social Work Services may make the appropriate payments from 1 April 2003; and (2) that it be remitted to the Director of Social Work Services to submit a report to the Committee on the future reprovisioning of the Bank Street service once the current review within Quarriers has been completed. |
25 |
Care and After Care of Young People Looked After and Looked After and
Accommodated |
25 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services providing an update on the implementation of the new statutory responsibilities placed on the Council in respect of specific 16 to 18 year olds who were previously looked after and looked after and accommodated. |
Decided: (1) that the additional legal requirements placed on the Council as set out in the report and the work undertaken to prepare for these new statutory responsibilities be noted; (2) that it be noted that there will be a need to determine the maintenance level to be paid by the Council, which is set at a local level, and that this will be the subject of a report to the March Committee; (3) that the increase in the allowances payable to supported carers be increased from £80 to £120, thus facilitating the maintenance of vulnerable young people for whom the Council is the “corporate parent”; and (4) that approval in principle be given to the extension of the present Through Care Team to meet the additional needs and that the specific requirements be reported to the next meeting of the Committee for formal approval. |
26 |
Care Review |
26 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the progress of the Joint Review of Home Care Services and (2) seeking approval to progress the plan for implementation of the review on a phased basis. |
Decided: (1) that the report be noted; (2) that the Director of Social Work Services submit a further report outlining the detailed implementation plan together with a schedule for its implementation on a phased basis; and (3) that the Director of Social Work Services report to the next meeting on the outcome of the home delivery shopping service pilot project approved by the Committee on 3 September 2002 (Para 634). |
27 |
Protection Review - Caleb Ness |
27 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the outcome of the review of child protection procedures used by Social Work Services in the light of the recommendations arising from the enquiry into the death of Caleb Ness and (2) appending the Annual Review of Inverclyde Child Protection Committee. |
Decided: (1) that the audit process set out in the report be endorsed and that the outcomes identified be noted; and (2) that approval be given to the joint work programme contained within the Inverclyde Child Protection Annual Review. |
Councillor Mitchell left the meeting at this point. |
28 |
Audit - Commissioning Community Care Services for Older People |
28 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) advising of the performance audit report on Commissioning Services for Older People in Inverclyde and (2) setting out the actions identified as a result of this process. |
Decided: (1) that the contents of the audit report be noted and that support be given to the ongoing implementation of the action plan, it being recognised that certain recommendations will be progressed through the Joint Futures agenda; and (2) that it be remitted to appropriate Officers of the Council and NHS Argyll & Clyde to develop revised eligibility criteria, set cost ceilings and identify unmet need. |
29 |
Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 |
29 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on the provisions of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 with particular emphasis on the implications of the new legislation for Local Authorities. |
Decided: (1) that the Committee note the implications of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 for Local Authorities and approve service developments which will assist in meeting the new duties placed on the Council; and (2) that implementation of the proposals contained in the report be remitted to the Director of Social Work Services and that he determine the appropriate staffing to support the requirements in consultation with the Head of Personnel Services. |
30 |
Joint Care Board - Minute of Meeting of 13 August 2003 |
30 |
There was submitted minute of the meeting of the Inverclyde Joint Care Board of 13 August 2003. |
Approved |
31 |
People: Service Proposals |
31 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) advising of proposals to modernise services to older people and (2) seeking approval of a phased implementation plan. |
Decided: (1) that approval be given to the principle of developing services to older people and their carers as outlined in the report; (2) that it be remitted to the Director of Social Work Services to submit a report including proposals for a new purpose built integrated service resource unit for older people for inclusion in the Capital Plan and Capital Programme; (3) that the Director of Social Work Services progress a limited adaptation scheme for Hillend House to allow Phase 1 of the proposals to be actioned at the earliest opportunity; (4) that it be remitted to the Director of Social Work Services to refine the model outlined and prepare a further report for consideration by the Committee on the phased implementation of the proposals together with the resource implications; (5) that any contractual arrangements for the interim move be delegated to the Director of Social Work Services with a view to expediting the situation; (6) that approval be given to the stakeholder consultation detailed in the report to be initiated with immediate effect; and (7) that the Committee’s appreciation for the work undertaken to date by staff, carers and the unions following the decision taken by the Council to decommission the Council’s direct provision of residential care services be recorded. |
32 |
and Adaptations - Use of Emergency Powers |
32 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services advising of the use of emergency powers to allocate additional private sector housing grant of £250,000 received from Communities Scotland. |
Noted |
33 |
Revenue Account Budget 2003/04 - Period 9 |
33 |
There was submitted a report dated 12 January 2004 by the Director of Finance (1) on the position of the 2003/04 HRA Budget as at Period 9 (3 December 2003), (2) seeking approval of a virement request and (3) requesting approval for the transfer of a number of items from Revenue to Capital. |
Decided: (1) that the current budget monitoring position for 2003/04 as at Period 9 (3 December 2003) be noted; (2) that the virement request detailed in Appendix 2 to the report be approved; and (3) that approval be given to the transfer of the following items from Revenue to Capital in 2003/04: (a) Contribution towards the FMS - £140,000 (b) Heating Installation - Fees and Non-Leasing Costs - £150,000 (c) Computer Equipment - £ 60,000 Total £350,000 |
34 |
Capital Programme 2003/04 to 2005/06 |
34 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on the progress of the HRA Capital Programme 2003/04 to 2005/06. |
Noted |
35 |
Allocation of Lock-Up Garages |
35 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on proposals for simplifying the waiting lists for lock-up garages. |
Decided: (1) that the waiting lists for lock-up garages be simplified to a single list for each group of garages, that the date of application be the criterion to be used for selection and that house tenure no longer be taken into consideration; (2) that applicants be restricted to garages which are within one mile of their home and that their names be removed from all lists once an offer of a garage at one location is accepted with no applicant being permitted to hold simultaneously the tenancy of more than one garage except at locations for which there is no waiting list; (3) that notwithstanding the above, it be agreed that existing garage tenants continue to be allowed to transfer within a particular grouping as this will enable existing tenants to move to garages which they prefer for reasons of ease of access etc and that the resultant vacancy be let to the applicant at the top of the waiting list; and (4) that a further report be submitted to the Committee on the financial implications of the new arrangements. |
36 |
Attributes |
36 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services seeking approval for an alteration to the Council’s Rent Attributes - Points and Charges System. |
Decided: that approval be given to the creation of a new Gas Heat with Rent Attribute “I”. |
37 |
Executive Offer of Grant for Development of a Common Housing Register |
37 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) advising that the Scottish Executive had made an offer of grant to all Local Authorities to develop a common Housing Register, (2) summarising the conditions relating to the offer of grant and (3) outlining the Council’s proposals for use of the monies should the bid be successful. |
Decided: (1) that the report be noted; and (2) that it be noted that a further report will be submitted to the Committee once the outcome of the bid is known. |
38 |
Strong, Safe and Attractive Communities |
38 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on the progress of the Council’s final submission for funding to introduce Community Wardens, Mediation Officers, Investigating Officers, a Police Officer and Solicitor to tackle anti-social behaviour. |
Decided: that the Committee note the report and the progress made to date in the establishment of the Social Protection Team. |
39 |
of Surplus Housing Stock - Port Glasgow |
39 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) advising of the closure of three communal blocks in Port Glasgow which are surplus to requirements and (2) seeking permission to include one of the blocks in an existing demolition contract and the remaining two blocks in the programme for demolition once funding becomes available. |
Decided: (1) that the use of delegated authority to close the blocks and re-house the tenants from 210-228 Oronsay Avenue and 26-30 Sunnyside Avenue be noted; (2) that it be confirmed that the blocks 26-30 Sunnyside Avenue, 210-228 Oronsay Avenue and 3-12 Woodhall Terrace are surplus to requirements and should be demolished; (3) that it be agreed to include the block at 210-228 Oronsay Avenue in the contract for demolition of 190-208 Oronsay Avenue, 33-51 Pladda Avenue and 48-54 Sunnyside Avenue agreed by the Committee on 28 October 2003; (4) that the properties at 3-12 Woodhall Terrace and 26-30 Sunnyside Avenue be included in the demolition programme as funds become available; and (5) that it be remitted to the appropriate Officers to examine possible sources of funding for the demolition works at Oronsay Avenue which would both maximise public funding and take account of public safety and that a report thereon be made to the Committee. |
40 |
Services Review Group: Minute of Meeting of 3 December 2003 |
40 |
There was submitted minute of meeting of the Housing Services Review Group of 3 December 2003. |
Noted |
41 |
Renewal - A New Inverclyde: Feedback on the Consultation Process |
41 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the results of the consultation with the 14 communities directly affected by the implementation of the “First Steps” strategy, (2) proposing an implementation programme for the medium to longer term and (3) amending the 3 year investment strategy with Communities Scotland to reflect the updated information. |
Decided: that it be remitted to the appropriate Officers to progress the public consultation and submit Action Plans for each of the areas as soon as possible. |
42 |
Regulation |
42 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services on the current position in respect of the regulation of the Housing Service. The report advised that Communities Scotland had now confirmed that it intended to proceed with a regulation inspection visit in early 2004 which will initially concentrate on only 2 areas, homelessness and services to owners, including factoring, but that this may be extended to housing management areas in due course. It was reported that the timetable comprised completion of a written submission by 6 February 2004, visits by the inspectors by March 2004 and submission of a draft report to the Council by May 2004. |
Councillor McCabe asked Members to reconsider the possible transfer of an Officer to the new Housing Trust as a result of the reduction in the scope of the regulation and inspection visit and the consequent effect on workload and he asked that this be minuted. |
(Councillor Moran left the meeting during consideration of this item of business). |
Decided: (1) that the report be noted; and (2) that it be noted that a further report will be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on the implications for staffing and other resources. |
43 |
Houses |
43 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the future of the BISF refurbishment project and (2) advising that following the decision of the Committee at its meeting in October 2003 (Para 606) to invite tenders for the major repairs to the properties at 38-40 Quarry Road, Port Glasgow, further information had been provided increasing the estimated costs of the work from £46,000 to £77,000 including fees. (Councillor Moran returned to the meeting during consideration of this item of business). |
Following discussion Councillor Nimmo moved:- (1) that The Inverclyde Council be requested to suspend Standing Orders and confirm that tenders be not invited for the works at 38-40 Quarry Road, Port Glasgow; (2) that discussions take place with the tenant from Quarry Road referred to in the report on a possible move and the payment of home loss and other payments as appropriate; (3) that a further report on Phase I of the works be submitted to the Committee once the results of the Stock Condition Survey are available; and (4) that a report be submitted proposing an agreed strategy for the BISF houses pending possible stock transfer. |
As an amendment Councillor McCabe moved:- (1) that tenders be invited for Phase I of the BISF houses (South Maukinhill) and Phase 2 (Bardrainney) including 38-40 Quarry Road, Port Glasgow; (2) that the Housing Trust be asked to consider the refurbishment of the BISF houses as an early priority of its investment programme; and (3) that a letter be sent by the Convener of the relevant Committee to affected tenants and owners setting out his views regarding the long term future of the properties within the 2 estates. On a vote, 3 Members voted for the amendment and 6 for the motion which was declared carried. |
Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment. |
C |
Decided: (1) that The Inverclyde Council be requested to suspend Standing Orders and confirm that tenders be not invited for the works at 38-40 Quarry Road, Port Glasgow; (2) that discussions take place with the tenant from Quarry Road referred to in the report on a possible move and the payment of home loss and other payments as appropriate; (3) that a further report on Phase I of the works be submitted to the Committee once the results of the Stock Condition Survey are available; and (4) that a report be submitted proposing an agreed strategy for the BISF houses pending possible stock transfer. |
C |
44 |
Life - A National Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent Suicide in Scotland:
Proposals for Implementation |
44 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services advising the Committee of action taken to implement “Choose Life: A National Strategy and Action Plan” launched by the Scottish Executive in December 2002 which is aimed at addressing the rising rate of suicides in Scotland. (Councillor Blair left the meeting during consideration of this item of business). |
Decided: (1) that the Committee note the report and approve the use of the allocation of £75,000 to Inverclyde to develop a range of community based initiatives; (2) that the Committee approve and sign off the template prepared for the Scottish Executive which identifies detailed actions and expenditure; and (3) that it be noted that all costs will be met from the central allocation of funding. |
Convener being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of
Social Work & Housing Services was relevant, competent and urgent moved
its consideration to allow the Committee to be advised of the current
position in respect of the decommissioning of the Council’s direct provision
of residential care services at the earliest opportunity. This was unanimously agreed in terms of the
relevant Standing Order.
45 |
Services for Older People |
45 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services advising of the closure of Kempock House and the programme to finalise the decommissioning of the Council’s direct provision of residential care services. |
During the course of the discussion, Councillor McCabe enquired as to when a report would be submitted on the future use of the site of Kempock House and the Depute Chief Executive confirmed that a report would be submitted to the Economic Regeneration Committee within 2 Committee cycles. |
Decided: (1) that the report be noted; and (2) that the Committee acknowledge the commitment and approach of all staff involved in the closure of the residential care service in particular those staff who were directly involved in providing these services and without whose co-operation the difficult process of transferring vulnerable old people could not have been achieved so successfully. |
Convener being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of
Social Work & Housing Services was relevant, competent and urgent moved
its consideration to allow the Committee to be advised of changes to the
private sector housing funding system and to consider recommendations for the
allocation of grant at the earliest possible date. This was unanimously agreed in terms of the
relevant Standing Order. |
46 |
Sector Housing Grant |
46 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) providing an update in respect of changes to the funding system for private sector housing and (2) making recommendations regarding the allocation of private sector housing grant. (Councillor Snoddy left the meeting during consideration of this item of business). |
Decided: (1) that the changes to the funding arrangements for private sector housing capital expenditure contained in the report be noted; (2) that the budget profile for the core private sector housing grant as outlined in Appendix I to the report be agreed; (3) that authority be granted to progress the initiatives outlined in the report in respect of the bid element of private sector housing grant subject to a successful procurement of additional funding from the Scottish Executive; and (4) that the Depute Chief Executive submit a report to a future Committee meeting on the outcome of the bidding process. |
was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland)
Act 1973 as amended, that the public and press be excluded from the meeting
for the following items on the grounds that the business involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in the respective paragraphs of
Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act as are set opposite each item. |
Item Paragraph(s) Application of Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Social Care Services 6
& 8 Housing Management Information System - Swipe Cards 6 & 8 Sale of Property - Cumberland Road, Greenock 6, 8 & 9 |
47 |
of Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Social Care Services |
47 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services requesting approval to apply Rule 4, Sections 1, 2 and 3(1) of the Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Social Care Services in respect of the Volunteer Centre, Inverclyde as the chosen provider of befriending services to community care clients within Inverclyde. |
Decided: that the Committee approve the application of Rule 4, Sections 1, 2 and 3(1) of the Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Social Care Services in respect of the Volunteer Centre, Inverclyde as the chosen provider of befriending services to community care clients. |
48 |
Management Information System - Swipe Cards |
48 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services seeking approval to introduce swipe cards for the payment of rent, heating and home contents insurance charges. |
Decided: (1) that swipe cards be introduced with effect from 1 April 2004 for all tenants using the Allpay.net system; (2) that delegated authority be granted to the relevant Officers to enter into a contract with Allpay.net for the provision of the software and stationery required; and (3) that the initial non-recurring costs estimated at £10,000 be contained within the HMIS budget. |
Convener being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of
Social Work & Housing Services was relevant, competent and urgent moved
its consideration to allow the Committee to consider an offer for the
property involved at the earliest possible date. This was unanimously agreed in terms of the
relevant Standing Order. |
49 |
of Property - Cumberland Road, Greenock |
49 |
There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work & Housing Services (1) on the present position with regard to the proposed sale of a Council owned flat in Cumberland Road, Greenock and (2) seeking authority to offer the flat for sale to an individual who had expressed an interest in purchasing it. The Committee agreed to offer the flat for sale for the market value and to advertise the flat on the open market should the offer not be accepted, all as detailed in the Appendix. |