Health and Social Care Committee






Tuesday 9 May 2006 at 3.00 pm






Present:  Councillors Blair, Forbes, Hill, McKenzie, Mitchell, Nimmo, Roach, Robertson and Snoddy.






Chair:   Councillor Nimmo presided.






In attendance:  Chief Executive, Mr F Jarvie (for Solicitor to the Council), Mr M Thomson (for Chief Financial Officer), Head of Community Care and Strategy, Head of Social Work Services, Head of Social Work Resources and Mr A Gerrard (for Head of Property Services).






The following paragraphs are submitted for information only having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee.






Social Work Capital and CFCR Programme






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive on the progress of the Social Work Capital and CFCR projects in the current financial year.



(Councillor Forbes entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).






(1)   that the current position of the Social Work Capital and CFCR projects be noted;  and



(2)   that approval be given to the carry forward of £452,000 to 2006 - 2007.






Contracts Monitoring Officer






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising of the requirement for one additional post of Contracts Officer within Social Work Services to meet the increased demands on existing resources within the Contract Monitoring and Complaints Team.






(1)   that approval be given to the establishment, on a permanent basis, of an additional Contracts Officer post within Social Work Services, with the key function of contract monitoring to comply with the increasing contractual obligations and the impact of current policy and legislative demands; and



(2)   that it be remitted to the Head of Personnel Services to determine the appropriate grade for the post and progress its establishment through the normal procedures.






Increase in Staffing Complement at HM Prison, Greenock Social Work Unit






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive (1) advising that the Governor of HM Prison, Greenock had agreed to increase the Social Work staffing complement at the Prison’s Social Work Unit by the establishment of one additional Social Worker post and (2) seeking approval for recruitment in this regard.






(1)   that agreement be given to the increase in the Social Work staffing complement at HM Prison, Greenock and to the recruitment of an additional qualified Social Worker; and




(2)   that it be remitted to the Head of Social Work Services to establish the post within the Prison Social Work Team.






Inspection of Social Work Services






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive on the current position with regard to the inspection of Inverclyde Council Social Work Services by the Social Work Inspection Agency.

Mr Ian Kerr, Lead Inspector, was present and asked that his thanks be conveyed to the staff within Social Work Services for their assistance during the fieldwork.






(1)   that the progress of the inspection be noted; and



(2)   that it be noted that the final inspection report will be published in September 2006.






Joint Performance Information and Assessment Framework - Whole System Performance Indicator






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive on the progress being made towards achieving the joint performance targets as part of the Joint Future Agenda.



Decided: that the Committee support the development of whole system working and joint working to develop an agreed balance of care, all as detailed in the report.






Community Justice Authority - North Strathclyde






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive providing an update on the establishment of the Community Justice Authority for North Strathclyde.



Decided: that the Committee note the establishment of the Community Justice Authority for North Strathclyde and the decision of The Inverclyde Council on 20 April 2006 to appoint the Convener of the Health and Social Care Committee as the Council’s main representative, with the Vice-Convener as nominated substitute.






Older People’s Services






There was submitted a replacement report by the Chief Executive (1) providing a preliminary view on the issues emerging from the changes in demography within Inverclyde projected over the next ten years and (2) setting out a range of approaches which would allow the development of a strategy for older people in Inverclyde.






(1)   that it be recommended that older people be viewed as a priority by the Council;



(2)   that further work be commissioned to provide more detail on the changing population;



(3)   that it be agreed to establish a cross-party working group on older people to include the key partners and representative organisations and to report in one year’s time with a strategic older people’s framework;



(4)   that the Committee be advised of any financial implications arising from the report, and that any future recommendations be remitted to the Policy and Strategy Committee as appropriate;



(5)   that the service modernisation and redesign approach detailed in the report be endorsed and that this be the subject of further reports in the future;



(6)   that the Council consider identifying from within its Members an older people’s champion; and




(7)   that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on the work required to develop a charter for older people within Inverclyde.




Councillor Blair entered the meeting at this juncture.






Inverclyde Alliance Joint Health Improvement Plan 2006-08






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive providing an update on the development of the Inverclyde Alliance Joint Health Improvement Plan 2006-08.






(1)   that agreement be given to the finalisation of the Inverclyde Alliance Joint Health Improvement Plan 2006-08 and for informal consultation to be undertaken to ensure its relevance to key stakeholders within Inverclyde; and



(2)   that approval be given to a formal launch of the Plan in due course.






Fostering Campaign Update






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive providing an update on the progress of the fostering campaign, including the launch of the newly developed professional fostering scheme previously approved by the Committee which will increase the number of placements currently available.






(1)   that the report be noted; and



(2)   that the Committee’s congratulations be extended to all staff involved in the fostering campaign.






National Care Home Contract and Fee Increase






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising of the forthcoming implementation of the Draft National Care Home Contract and the subsequent increase in fee rates.



Decided: that the implementation of the National Care Home Contract be endorsed pending final approval by COSLA on 26 May 2006.






NHS Service Redesign






There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive on the current position in relation to the short-term redesign proposals for older people, older people with requirements resulting from mental health problems, adults with mental health needs, younger people with physical disabilities and people with learning disabilities which had been developed as part of the wider, long term NHS hospital reprovision programme.

(Councillors Forbes and Blair left the meeting during consideration of this item of business).






(1)   that the Committee support the progress of the service redesign proposals as part implementation of the longer term reprovision process; and



(2)   that a further report be submitted to the Committee once the detailed financial implications are known.




Inverclyde Joint Care Board - Minute of Meeting of 23 February 2006






There was submitted minute of the meeting of Inverclyde Joint Care Board of 23 February 2006.






